Friday 30 March 2012

Why we stop at nothing to conserve water

While we may be enjoying an unseasonably warm spring, which is great for your heating bills, the lack of rain over the winter months has already led to the prospect of hose pipe bans and the need for water conservation, long before the summer actually arrives.   

Only using what you need is the first rule of water conservation.  That’s why you should never leave a tap running while you brush your teeth, for example, and why it’s better to shower than to take a bath.  That’s also exactly why you should use a Quooker rather than a kettle. 

Of course it is possible to only put into a kettle the exact amount of water that you need, but who ever does?  Even if you put a modest amount of water into the kettle, you always allow for a little extra in case there’s limescale floating in the kettle or in case the kettle evaporates some of the water you need.  It’s a guesstimate.  The Quooker, on the other hand, delivers the exact amount you need in an instant with impressive precision. 

If, later in the day, you want more boiling water, you might reboil the water that’s already in the kettle or top up from the cold tap and then reboil. 

That’s going to affect your water quality so never get a really good cup of tea or coffee, so you may throw away the leftover water each time.  The cumulative effect of that is a lot of wasted water.  Dispensing boiling water straight from a tap means you really do only use what you need every time you cook or brew up.  You’re saving time but you’re also doing your bit for the planet too.

The really shocking waste of water in the home comes when you wash up, which in a busy family home you could do several times a day.  In order to get hot water for washing up you’ll let the hot tap run until it’s hot enough.  In doing so you let the cold water contained in several metres of pipework run straight into the drain.  When you’ve filled the bowl and turned off the tap, the water left in the pipe will gradually cool down, ready to be wasted next time you want to wash up, or just to wash your hands. 

A Quooker COMBI in the kitchen avoids all that water waste.  By mixing water from the boiling Quooker tap with your normal kitchen cold tap, the COMBI provides instantly available washing up water without firing a boiler.  This saves those metres of wasted water every time you wash your hands or your dishes.  Over the course of a year this conserves a huge amount of water. 

Amazingly it saves enough water to fill a swimming pool.  That’s pretty impressive  - even before you stop to consider how much energy was wasted heating up that body water, before it cooled down again and you just threw it away.  That’s energy which you’ve paid for but got no benefit from, of course.

Time-saving devices often use more resources, and water conserving products are often more time consuming to use.  Isn’t it refreshing to find an invention that conserves water as well as saving you time and lowering your energy bills?  Almost as refreshing as the superb tea and coffee it makes for you.  Because the bottom line is, it does also give you superb quality boiling water. 

That’s why we stop at nothing to conserve water.

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