Tuesday 5 July 2011

Time, Energy, Money and Water

Time, energy and money are probably three of the most valuable resources in most people’s lives and, for those of us on a water meter, they’ve been joined by water too. At times it may seem like we never have enough of them. Naturally, people will always try and find ways to increase the amount of time, energy and money they have, and everyone’s worst domestic nightmare would be to be without water.  Smart people will make the best use of each of them.

We live in a world where spare time is a luxury, a digital age in which so many things need a response in an instant. What we choose to do with our time ultimately defines our lives. Whether it’s working, learning or looking after loved ones, some people will feel they have too much to do and too little time. Naturally, busy people will endeavour to find all kinds of ways to save time – even if only a few minutes a day!

Energy (in terms of the stuff you need to run a home, not the sort to get you out of bed in the morning) is another commodity that is increasing in scarcity and value. As the argument for global warming strengthens and people become more aware of their carbon footprint – energy is something that we have to consume with a conscience. Not surprisingly, developments in technology are now being geared towards making household appliances as energy efficient as possible, as well as time-saving.

In times of economic austerity people make cut backs; however, money still has to be spent. So it becomes paramount to spend money wisely and make astute investments.  These days, if you’re on a water meter, water means money too, quite apart from the need to conserve it for ecological reasons. 

A product that screams efficiency and sustainability is the Quooker boiling water tap. When you first see what a Quooker tap can do, you may be impressed by its versatility, stylish design and safety features. However, four of the most significant benefits of investing in a Quooker tap are the savings that it gives in time, energy, water and money.

Quooker taps are up to 58% more energy efficient than kettles (based on making ten, 200ml mugs of tea a day). Part of the reason for this is that kettles often re-boil the same water, causing to much of it to be wasted, either through evaporation, or because people understandably feel like throwing out re-boiled water and starting again with fresh water.  With a Quooker, you just dispense the amount of fresh boiling water you need, every time.  This not only means that you will save water, not to mention money on your electricity bills, but you will always be doing your bit to help the environment.

On average, it would take around five minutes to make four cups of tea from filling the kettle to putting the teabag in the bin. With a Quooker tap, the same four cups of tea take around a minute to make. If you do this same process several times a day you are looking at saving time which could be spent getting on with work, or putting your feet up. Over the course of a year, four minutes a day adds up to 24 hours. If you make several cups a day using a Quooker tap, you’re effectively saving 24 hours each time you make a brew.

How will you spend your extra days?

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